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Brown Hand Paper Roll 8'' X 350ft - 12 Rolls
  • 2 Review(s)
  • Hand Paper Towel Rolls
  • Colour: Brown
  • Quantity: 12 Rolls
  • Size: 8" x 350'
Availability: In stock

Keep your work area clean and hygienic with the Morcon Paper R12350 Hardwound Towels. These hardwound towels are specifically designed to quickly absorb spills and messes, making them ideal for restaurants, offices, or any other places that need to maintain a high level of hygiene. The roll design allows for easy usage and convenience. Get superior cleaning performance with Morcon Paper R12350 Hardwound Towels.

Michael . - 25-Aug-2023

Ro Stagg - 14-Mar-2024