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Circle Sticker - 1000 per roll

A popular shape that can be used in a variety of ways, our laminated polypropylene circle stickers are manufactured to be both waterproof and scratch-resistant. Laptops, packaging, electronics, containers ­– They come in small and large sizes and can stick to any smooth surface, so the possible uses are endless!

Finish Options
  • Glossy Laminated Stickers - Shiny appearance and vibrant colors for an eye-catching sticker
  • Matte Laminated Stickers - Zero glare for a modern and elegant sticker

Step 1.Select Material

  • Glossy Laminated Stickers - Shiny appearance and vibrant colors for an eye-catching sticker
  • Matte Laminated Stickers - Zero glare for a modern and elegant sticker

Step 2.Choose Size

Please enter the size in inches

Step 3.Select Quantity in Rolls

Minimum order of 5 rolls

Step 4.Choose Design

${{price}} / roll

Have Questions? We're here to help!

If you have any questions about our Stickers, send them our way at

[email protected]