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Rectangle Stickers - 1000 per roll

Sometimes you don’t need a lot of space to get your message across. Our rectangle stickers are perfect for smaller areas! Customize a design with your message or upload your own design to be printed, then stick it wherever you want it to be seen! Printed on high quality laminated polypropylene, these stickers are waterproof and scratch resistant and can easily be applied to any smooth, hard surface.

Finish Options
  • Glossy Laminated Stickers - Shiny appearance and vibrant colors for an eye-catching sticker
  • Matte Laminated Stickers - Zero glare for a modern and elegant sticker

Step 1.Select Material

  • Glossy Laminated Stickers - Shiny appearance and vibrant colors for an eye-catching sticker
  • Matte Laminated Stickers - Zero glare for a modern and elegant sticker

Step 2.Choose Size

Please enter the size in inches

Step 3.Select Quantity in Rolls

Minimum order of 5 rolls

Step 4.Choose Design

${{price}} / roll

Have Questions? We're here to help!

If you have any questions about our Stickers, send them our way at

[email protected]