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Neilson 10% Creamers - 100 Singles
  • 10% Cream
  • Quantity: 100 singles "creamettes"
  • For hot beverage use
  • Best before marked
    SKU: 22NI128
    Availability: In stock

    The Neilson 10 Creamers are a great way to add some sweetness and creaminess to your drinks. They come in single-serve packets, perfect for on-the-go convenience. They have an ideal balance of rich flavour and smooth texture that will enhance any drink or dessert. Add a delicious twist to your favourite hot beverage! Each single cream is made with natural flavours and no added artificial sweeteners. This makes them perfect for those who are looking for a healthier alternative to traditional store-bought creamers. With only 10 calories per serving, you can enjoy guilt-free indulgence without compromising on taste! Make sure to keep a few of these handy so you can always have your coffee or hot chocolate just the way you like it.