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Crownhill Canadian Federal Level B First Aid Kit - 135 x Piece(s) For 5 x Individual(s) - Each
This refill for the Federal (Canada labor code level B) First Aid Kit contains everything from a CPR Face Shield to 48 plastic bandages, to a blunt end splinter forceps, 135 items in all. With the supplier's over 125 years of first aid experience, you can be sure you're getting the best of all required first aid contents that meet all provincial, territorial or federal occupational health and safety regulations.
  • 135 x Piece(s) For 5 x Individual(s)
  • Meets occupational health and safety regulations
  • Perfect for retail stores, restaurants, offices, warehouses and more
  • Kit includes CPR face shield, bandages, splinter forceps and more
  • Designed to refill Federal (Canada labour code level B) first aid kit

Package Contents:

  • CPR Face Shield
  • 48 x Plastic Bandage
  • 1 x Blunt End Splinter forceps
      SKU: CWH8200FGP
      Availability: In stock